Friday, April 22, 2016

13th Annual SBCC Student Conference

Poster about the event
Today I attended the 13th Annual SBCC Student Conference. It was one of the mandatory events I had to choose from to attend for my Journalism class. I'm glad I went. I was actually going to cover the baseball game tomorrow, but it conflicted with my work schedule and I didn't know if I'd be able to be there for the full game. Our assignment is to cover a "breaking news" story and write an article about it by 11:59pm the next day. Well.... I'm going to blog about it first because blogging is more fun!

They first had an arrangement of sandwiches and fruit for everybody attending outside the IDC building. FREE LUNCH!!! Later they had cookies and coffee during a break session. I'm not going to go into full detail about the event because that's what I'll have to do for my article. However, I will tell you about my "journalist" experience.

After I got back from the gym this morning I took a quick shower, put on a pretty skirt, painted my lips red, and put my glasses on to head out the door to the conference. I felt pretty snazzy, not gonna lie. I arrived at SBCC to my first big event I have been asked to cover. Even though this was for a class, I felt like I had a purpose. As a journalist, the main job you are doing is spreading awareness to people about what is going on in the world. To me, spreading awareness about stuff that I care about is what I want to do most. Spreading awareness is what keeps the world spinning and changing. I want to help the world and writing is my way of doing it.

I witnessed students speak who I never would've known about before. Some spoke about their lives and some spoke about worldly problems. They were all interesting to hear. One guy presented an iMovie about bringing a homeless mansurfing with him and his friend. Although he and I wouldn't recommend going out and doing that, it touched my heart to hear all these college students speaking about something they care about. Knowing other college students feel the same way I do towards wanting to change the world and be the best you you can be and not just party, makes me feel like I am not alone.

I will leave off with a quote from one of the student conference leaders, Dr. Eckford-Prossor. "It doesn't make a difference if you're at a community college. You can have a fabulous, decent life by being here." Today was one of those days that made me proud to be a SBCC student. Our school is so diverse and helpful. If I were asked if I wanted to change anything about our campus, I couldn't tell you what I'd want to change. I mean....maybe putting water in our symbolic "water" fountain buuuuuuttttt #droughtprobz . And maybe solving the parking issue....but everyone wants to come to this school because it's so great. Can't have it all!!!  Or can you? I'll try and figure it out, maybe one day.

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