Monday, December 26, 2016

Holiday Trip Part 1

Today I start traveling once again to visit more family in North and South Carolina. After this trip, I will be back in Virginia just in time for New Year's Eve. The day after New Year's Day I will fly back to California in a different year than I left it. It's insane how fast time flies and the amount of things that can happen within that time.

The first full day after I got to Virginia I started my morning off with a dentist appointment, thinking I was simply going to get a teeth cleaning with X-ray and get my bottom permanent retainer removed. Hahaha, not in my world! I won't say how many cavities I had, but I will tell you it was a lot. Apparently they were all in between my teeth where I'm supposed to be flossing and they all formed within the past year or two. No offense to those who floss regularly, but WHO FLOSSES daily? The dentist also said the chemotherapy could've given me dry mouth and damaged my enamel. That's exactly why I stopped wearing my top retainer, so something like this wouldn't happen. I cannot tell you how shocked I was when the dentist told me. I've only had one cavity my entire life (of not flossing regularly) when I was nine and that baby tooth fell out soon after. $1600 down the drain. Thanks for helping dental insurance (not). But least my teeth didn't fall out.

The best part about my trip so far was digging through all my old stuff and watching videos from when I was a baby. Watching those videos was extremely significant to me because not only do I obviously have no memories from that time, but that's the only time I had my mom and brother. My dad and I reacted differently to them. It was hard for him to watch, whereas I was so intrigued by the videos. I felt like I was finally experiencing what it was like to be with them. When the videos ended, that's when I lost it. I wanted to watch more. It's almost like I could watch them forever.

I think my writing skills have improved hahaha
(click on pic to enlarge)
My wig sort of matches
my new hair!
In my boxes of stuff I found everything from my cancer treatment, all of my old corsages from high school dances, artwork from when I was a kid, etc.. Two of my favorite things I found was a book and a business card. The baby book was written for me by my mom. I found this before we had watched the videos, so for the first time I felt like she was speaking to me. It was magical. I also found a business card. Doesn't sound exciting right? Well it was. I've been looking for this card for six years! It was given to me by an author who visited other kids and I in the hospital. He spent as much time as he could with me in my hospital room because he was amazed by my story and saw something in me. He wanted me to be a part of his book and also wanted to help me publish my own. I was so crushed when I couldn't find it years ago. Ever since, I have been thinking about what a miracle it would be to find it. I will try contacting Trevor Romain over break. Hopefully all his contact information is the same. Hopefully he remembers me! We did take a picture together for him to keep, so I'm sure he might.

Still numb from the four numbing shots, I drove up to D.C. to visit my friend from cancer camp, Serena, in the Children's Hospital. We have both been in cancer remission roughly the same amount of time, but she is dealing with intense late effects right now. Her cancer was in her hip and the radiation and chemo damaged that specific area. Serena had to get a hip replacement in order to stop the pain and limping. The holiday traffic was about the worst I've ever seen in Virginia, but it was beyond worth it to visit this girl.

Christmas Eve morning I spent at my stepmom's house with my three brothers. We opened presents because afterwards I drove my brothers and I down to my dad's for Christmas. I cannot even begin to tell you how many pug gifts I received. I love pugs, I really do, and I may be a little bit obsessed, but ya'll take it to a whole other level! Maybe I'm just irritated because I want an actual pug (2.5 years Angela, 2.5 MORE YEARS).
Yesterday on Christmas, we all went to see Passengers. I enjoy watching movies about space because if it were safe, possible, and didn't take several years I would be thrilled to go! I didn't know this until I watched the movie, but Jennifer Lawrence played a journalist in space. How perfect is that?!

What's most important about the holidays is spending time with your family and friends, no matter what it is you do. It is a time to celebrate our lives and reflect on everything we are thankful for. No family is normal and as long as you realize that, it'll make enjoying your time with them even more enjoyable. To those who are alone during the holidays, I have much sympathy for you. Maybe FaceTime them or treat yourself to your own little holiday party!

Safe travels everyone and Happy Holidays no matter what you're celebrating!

Also, have you all notice everyone is playing that "Speak Out" game? Yep....we were one of those families that played it.  Down below is a video of me....well....trying to speak out.

PS: I apologize if there are any grammar mistakes in this blog post. You know how I feel about those! I wanted to make sure I was able to post for you guys before the second half of my trip. Gotta go, we're rushing out the door, bye!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The "Write" Major

When you're told to bring an ugly christmas sweater
but you bring a sweater with a pug on it so it
could never possibly be ugly.
The holidays suddenly become a bit more merry when you find out your final grades turned out better than you thought.

A+   JOUR 121:   The Channels Reporting & Writing
A-    COMM 171: Mass Media & Society
B      PHIL 101:   Introduction to Ethics
P      PD 191A:   Career Planning  

I was definitely worried that I would get a C in Ethics and a B in Communications, but somehow all the studying paid off and I did extremely well on both finals...better than I did all year on all my other exams! You'd think you'd do better on regular exams rather than cumulative finals, but hey apparently it's possible!

We put on face masks to relax. Instead, the face masks
decided to burn our faces :)
As for The Channels class, I received a 99.55% which is probably the best I've ever done in a class. The schools I applied to transfer to will also pay the most attention to this class grade due to its relation to my journalism major. It is clear I chose the "write" major as I keep receiving A's in all of the required classes (JOUR 121 & COMM 171)  ;)  It's a phenomenal, rewarding feeling finding out I do well at what I love.

After working on the four personal/research essays for Career Planning, I feel more advanced and knowledgable about the few different career options I've looked into and am starting to pursue. It was a Pass/No Pass class and I highly recommend you take it if you're struggling with figuring out what careers within your major you're interested in.

Lizard's Mouth Trail

Today I am flying into Virginia for the holidays. These pictures show what my break has been like so far. I've attended my friend's Christmas party and went to Magic Mountain, visited my family in here in California, went Christmas shopping, baked cookies and relaxed with my Channels friend, sent a transcript to CSUN, had a high school friend visit and showed them around Santa Barbara, and filmed another show for TVSB. Winter break is already flying by! To those of you thinking it doesn't get cold in California, it has been getting down to the 30's at night and my heater is broken. Hopefully it can get fixed when I come back from my trip; it has been freezing in my apartment! A lot of places in Isla Vista (including my apartment's office) are currently closed. And with that, I close off my 2016 here in California. I will be back the second day into the 2017 year. I'll probably do one last updated post before the year ends while I'm in Virginia.

Happy Holidays!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Give Me a Break

Aaahhh 'tis finally winter break. Here on this blog post are pictures from the short couple of days we had off for Thanksgiving (including a video of me playing part of a song I wrote on the piano when I had one). I took a trip to Illinois and Iowa because I was dying to see my friends and family. It had been almost a year since I saw my brothers. They traveled from Virginia to Iowa and I obviously came from California. We met in the middle!

You know...I got asked a lot over that little break, "Where do you see yourself after college?" I told everyone that asked me "I don't know, I'm just going to see where life and my career takes me." That's all I can do. It's scary. I think about the extreme cost of living in California, but I also think about the opportunities this place has. I think about all of the other family I have in other places and its cheaper costs, but I also think about the dreams I've had for over half of my entire life and wonder if they'd even be possible in other places in this moment.
They are so tall! The youngest is still
one inch shorter than me though. HA!

The last night I was in Iowa, I was with a bunch of family including my brothers. My friend came to pick me up so we could drive at midnight to the airport in Chicago for my flight at six in the morning. As soon as I got into the car with her I broke down. My heart was warm despite the coldness outside. My eyes were overwhelmed with tears. I told my friend to just drive because sitting outside the house longer with everyone I knew in it made it more difficult. It was one of those moments where I knew I could easily go back inside, but saying goodbye twice is harder than saying goodbye once.

I had never left the Midwest that upset before. It could be because of several of things. When I got back to my apartment in Isla Vista and I was alone, I then realized the main reason. The most difficult part about my situation is the fact that my family and friends live all over this country. It's hard to feel whole when you're family is so separated. I have family in California, Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Washington, North and South Carolina, New York, Wisconsin....etc. Yet here I was, in my apartment completely alone after a visit that reminded me I wasn't. I'm living in a college town with strangers who are starting to become friends. Soon I will be moving out of this college town into another one starting all over again. It's exciting to be young, in college, and having so much ahead of me. At the same time, I've been moving around this country my whole life and have always yearned to settle down. Even though this is true, that doesn't mean I should disregard my own dreams any less, nor be afraid to move another time for the better of my life. Because now, I am in control.  Yes, it sucks that I can't be surrounded by all my family and friends no matter where I end up. However, no matter where I end up I can make the most of the family and friends I do have in that place.

Here I sit by myself in my one-bedroom college apartment getting stuff accomplished before I head out to Virginia in a week to visit family and friends once again. Before I booked my flight, I thought about everyone else in other places that I want to see. I'm already driving with my family from VA to NC and SC. There comes a time when you think about everyone else so much that you need to give yourself a break. I had to make myself buy this ticket to Virginia and Virginia alone because I need to focus on myself a bit (also kind of broke). I'm never going to get the things I need and want to get done accomplished if I don't . So, I am giving myself a break to get sshhtuff done. Makes sense. Typical me.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Transferring, Finals, Ahh!

 Here I am, yet again sitting at Starbucks. Thanks for the gift card Dad. To be honest, everything is a bit stressful right now. What a hectic time for us who are transferring after next semester.

Nov 30-Dec 9
"Oh hey! By the way, within the span of 10 days, I'm going to need you to have submitted all your college applications and go straight into studying and taking all your finals, do and turn in the rest of your school work, all while attending classes and dealing with other numerous adulthood things."

If you can't tell, I went to the DMV this morning hahaha.

On a lighter, uplifting note December 10th is almost here. However, even when break is here I will be working my tailbone off. Believe it or not I already have a list prepared for everything I need to do over winter break while I have the time. One of the things on the list includes.....wait for it..............
BLOGGING! You read it right folks. For the first time in 2.5 years of blogging for SBCC, I will be able to keep in touch with all of you during break!

6:30 a.m. sunrise @ SBCC

As for right now, I must get back to working on my final two essays that I have to turn in by 11:55 tomorrow night. All my finals are out of the way, which means I finally completed my last general ed course at SBCC. No exclamation point? Well, no because it's about dang time. It's one of those things where you've been going to school for 15 years or so (the majority of your life) studying for things that won't necessarily help you in your future career, major, or adulthood. What kids learn in school today is sort of becoming a controversial topic for reasons like this. Ethics was an interesting class, but it mostly turned out to be studying history of ethics, people, and their theories rather than having a definite answer for what is morally right and what is wrong. Better than math, better than math! I enjoyed the class because I'm a thinker, but I'm not a huge fan of history. I like to study things towards bettering the future rather than focusing on the past.

The only way finals should be done: Pizza, dessert, and sparkling
cider for the fancy people.

To all my fellow schoolmates who are still working hard, push through these final two days. You've got this! To all my fellow schoolmates who are done for the semester, aren't you cool with all the "chilling" you're doing.

PS: All of us bloggers were watching you every time you left the library. Hahaha, that sounds really creepy, but I'm kidding.....sort of. There is a stand next to the walkway where you exit the library that has the spring 2017 class schedule book with all of us on the cover. I don't think I'm speaking only for myself when I say we all care about this school and the people in it (hence why we will be blogging for you during our breaks). Every time you see it when you walk out of the library, think of it as a "good luck" from us to you :)

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Take Control

Yes, I realize my hand looks like a pirate hook.
Hello my stressed schoolmates. 'Tis the last week of fall semester. We are so happy, yet so tired. Focus on the prize (that A) or focus on the end goal (that degree). Every little thing adds up to the big dream you're dreaming of.

One more week and one more semester and this girl will be transferring on out of here. I have never felt so established and part of a school in my lifetime of moving around this country. Maybe it's because this was my decision.

I saw an MTD bus not in service and told the bus driver
that I was on the back of the bus along with the other bloggers.
You should've seen the look on his face!

I have mentioned this before and I will mention this again as encouragement for finals week.... There is no need to set yourself to the high standard of being a "perfect" adult. We lacked control of our lives during our childhood. Now, we have been given all this control and sometimes it can get overwhelming. Think of this time as being born again, being born into adulthood. Don't expect to have the answers or have control over everything in your life. Just start to take control. Lastly, never expect to have complete control because you won't. That's what makes life a thrill.

*Christmas music plays in the background*

So here I am sitting at Starbucks with my journalism friend Julia along with other Santa Barbara students. I like to study in public places where everyone else is working hard because it motivates me to do the same. If you're having a hard time studying at home, I highly suggest this. Personally, I think of home as being a place to relax.
As I was walking to my car leaving school, I pulled up Domino's on my phone and ordered a pizza (btw right now all pizzas are 50% off). Way to go Domino's for sympathizing with our dead week full of stress eating. I picked up that pizza, ate half that pizza, and uncontrollably took a nap. I never nap. My body legit shut down. It was one of those naps when you wake up and your heart is beating heavily, but slowly and you wake up like 'what is life.' I texted Julia "I need coffee asap." Thankfully she did too and I was able to get back on track.

Click here for the link
Focus on one thing at a time and you will get much done. Focus on everything at once and you will lose your mind since that is simply impossible. I handle overly occupied times by creating a list. You might be surprised at the amount of relief that comes from erasing or checking off a task.

I am finished covering stories for The Channels until next semester. The link to all my stories is under the picture to the right. Remember when that was empty?! Also, I created a writer's portfolio for class of my seven best stories during the semester. You can check them out here, along with my last two most recent stories:
Fall 2016 Writer's Portfolio

 I wish you all the best of grades! Think of it this way, we've got one more week of school and then a five week break. Did I mention I want a coffee maker for Christmas? I want a coffee maker for Christmas.