"Shots shots shots shots shots shots shots shots shots shots shots shots shots EVERYBODY!!!! If you don't want the flu, get a flu shot!" That's my fabulous new remix to the song Shots by LMFAO. You're welcome.
But seriously, I'd be an adviser to say, please get a flu shot. You can bet your bottom dollar that no one including yourself and I would not want the flu. If you take a look back to one of my blogs last year,
"Sick at College", you will see that I ended up being that person who didn't get the flu shot and therefore- got the flu.

Trust me, I'm not a fan of needles. Nor am I a fan of spending money on things like doctor's bills (ya know, adult stuff). However, I can guarantee that getting the flu shot would be worth it. Why? SBCC has the cheapest price you can find around to get it at just $10. In my opinion, dropping $10 on preventing the flu instead of experiencing what I did last year which was: caught the flu (along with my swelling tonsils) during finals, I dropped big bucks on soup, cough drops, medicine, and an emergency room visit. Not to mentioned the sickness and pain from it all was just not worth it. The nurse informed me about the shot, asked if I had questions, stuck me with that needle, put a band-aid on that boo-boo, and quizzed me to make sure if I was listening afterwards (fair warning). Overall, still, worth it.
As you know this year my goal is to get healthier. No more sickness for me! Yes, I had to go to the nurse for the first time after my tonsillectomy treatment. Yes, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. But it's all for prevention. If you put in the effort to be a responsible adult, the stresses of being an adult may not be so hard on you....I'd like to think.
(Here I have put together a video collaboration of an ironic google image and the song I talked about earlier. What kind of time do I have on my hands you might ask? Enough time to make this and giggle about it until I was done.)
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