One night last week I was lying in bed not able to sleep. All of a sudden I heard this girl outside crying. I looked outside and saw she was sitting in the middle of the parking lot and I thought a boy must have done her wrong. Because we all know girls can do crazy things when that happens! Anyway, I was not completely dressed because it was about to be 100 degrees the next day and we don't have AC. So I got dressed, grabbed my keys, and without any doubt of shyness in my mind all I could think about was that I needed to help her. Hearing someone cry never sits with me well.
"Let me read your mind with my head against your kneecap." |
I walked down the stairs and she kind of walked away in embarrassment. I asked her if she was alright. She shook her head no and I asked her if she needed a hug. Of course when someone says that to someone upset, they kind of let loose and get more emotional. I asked her what was wrong and she said she lost her kittens. I smirked because I thought it was cute, but sad at the same time! I remembered the times I had lost my dog and I could totally empathize with how she was feeling. So even though it was late at night I tried to help her find them for about an hour. We looked behind the fridge, in the fridge, in laundry baskets, closest, and under beds, you name it we couldn't find them! I exchanged numbers with her in the hopes I'd be able to find her kittens!
"I'm guilty and asleep." |
A couple days later, yesterday, I texted her in the morning asking if she had found them. She did, and I was so happy for her! She said, "Yes I did :) Thank you so much for your help, you are so sweet!". The thing was, I didn't do it for the thank you or the compliment, or even to make myself feel better. I helped her out of pure consideration of her happiness. She had told me she found them not in the drawers we already looked in, but behind them. Later that day I went over and visited her kittens. I'd actually never seen on before, I've only seen older cats. I didn't think I liked cats, but to be honest her kittens were just so cute and silly! Out of a simple good deed I made three new friends. Two cats and a neighbor. I do good things often for other people. However, it was nice to get good "karma" back from it for once.
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