Monday, November 2, 2015

Choices, Chances, Changes

College is full of them!
"If it doesn't challenge you it does not change you."

To be honest this whole semester I felt stuck. I felt stuck in this mindset of stressing and feeling like I just had to get things done. If I ever had any down time I would lay in bed or FaceTime my childhood friend to get the adult stuff off my mind. Well that was all fine until I got sick....again. For the first time since my tonsillectomy.

You know that feeling where everything stressful hits you all at once? Yeah,it's possible to stress yourself SO much that you literally can make yourself sick. It was either that or my poor immune system. The other Thursday (a couple days after my flu shot) I was in class and felt light headed and sick. The teacher had asked me in front of the entire class. "Are you okay?" Of course I'm not gonna say no! But in the mindset of Angela, I had to be in class because not going can be just as stressful. I went to the doctor for a regular physical later that day with a bunch of questions. All those questions seemed to raise the doctor's attention, having me worry about everything I had questions for. Having been told I once had cancer makes it hard not to question every single thing that seems abnormal. Next thing I know she feels around my neck/ upper chest/ underarms for lymph nodes...and there one was. Painful and feared.

I only had let family and friends know because I needed some positive thoughts and prayers. Nothing is harder than fighting a battle you've already fought so hard against multiple times before. The reason I haven't blog for awhile is because I didn't want to worry you all along with me. Also, a lot of changes are about to happen in me and my life. Today, minutes ago, I was just informed about my CT scan results that prove I'm still surviving. Thank you to everyone who has been thinking of me and praying for the best. I'm still fighting off a sinus and ear infection, but hey, that's easy ;)

"Surviving doesn't just mean staying means LIVING to your potential."

That quote basically explains what I mean when I say a lot of changes are about to happen in me and in my life. I have come to the realization that enough is enough. I HAVE to start living to my potential, this cancer scare really woke me up. I really think it happened for a reason. I fought so hard to get to where I am today and I just needed to be reminded of my self-worth. Updates will be coming your way. At the moment I'm working on moving out of my apartment once someone is able to take my lease. It's something I know I think I need to do to be able to move forward in the direction I deserve. A positive, healthy, passionate one.

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