Hi everyone, I'm back!!!! I was hoping I'd be able to blog again for you all this year because last year I loved sharing my experiences with you! Those of you who read my blogs last year know that as much as I tried to progress my life in a positive direction, it was very difficult since I was sick all the time last year. BUT now the tonsils are out and I'm smiling with four less teeth (which is a good thing), I'm not in pain anymore, nor have I been sick since I last blogged! If you'd like to take a look at one or sixty-one of my posts from last year click
here! Because I know you want to read all sixty-one of them ;)

This year I hope to share some amazing experiences with you, here are my two main goals for this year:
1. Focus on me. Happiness is a choice and is well deserved. Develop a positive, strong mindset and stay in good health!
2. Figure out what my major is going to be before I sign up for Spring Semester Classes! Spring Classes I should start getting in-state tuition :)

This year is going to mainly consist of figuring out where I am headed in my life, and to start heading there. By the end of this semester I should be pretty close to finishing up my general ed classes. That's all I've really been taking lately because I didn't want to change my mind on a major (and end up wasting thousands of dollars as an out of state student). Currently I'm taking: Math 117, English 111, and the Physical Universe LAB class. These are the most difficult general ed classes I will have to take, but I will finish them and I will pass them!
To every student attending SBCC,
You see those signs everywhere that say we're the "#1 Community College in the Nation" ? Well it's true. Take in the view everyday and learn as much as you can from your compassionate teachers. Before you know it, you'll be transferring on out of here!!!
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