Today is the final Friday at SBCC! It sounds cheesy, but times flies...really fast, even when you think it's going by so slow. This year has been a journey (like every year of mine), but it was an oh so special one. I final reached my dream of coming back to California after a decade of wanting to. A decade is a long time for someone so young! That's how much I wanted this though. It's not the only dream of mine and my story is definitely not finished yet, so I really hope to have the opportunity to share with you more of my life next year! I'm pretty confident I won't get sick and much and have to go through toooooooo many surgeries next year ;) Haha. Well, I gotta get packing to fly back to Virginia for my wisdom teeth removal and to Illinois to see my best friend graduate. I'll be back for Summer Session II if any of you will be around! If not, I'll see ya next year and have a GREAT SUMMER!
Sincerely signing off, Yours truly,
Angela Rose Bickmann
PS: Here is a video I put together of my entire year here, enjoy! :)
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