Yay!! I was going to sign up for the Channels Newspaper anyway to complete my Associates Degree in Journalism, but the fact that I got recruited makes it a whole lot better! My Journalism teacher, Professor Molina, had told my class he would directly speak with The Channels teacher, Professor Stark, about who he thought would do well moving up to SBCC's newspaper class. You're looking at her blog right here ;)

Yesterday I had gone in to speak with an academic counselor about making sure I wanted to major in Journalism and not major in Communications (which is very similar). Well guess what? Journalism wins again! Ding Ding Ding! What I like about communications is that it really makes you do deep thinking, sort of like psychology but less scientific. So recently after that annual conference I went to and loving my Argumentation and Debate communications class, I started to question....Do I want to major in Communications and minor in Journalism? However, I spoke with the counselor and communications is a more business-like route whereas journalism really pertains to the type of job I want to do.

We went over schools that I could transfer too after next year and she kept mentioning the competition is high for the colleges that I'm looking into. However, I know I have to go to them because I want to stay in SoCal and I'm limited on the colleges that provide Journalism as a major. The good news is, that there a couple more schools besides San Diego State and CSU Long Beach that have it, Fullerton and Pomona. I was told, "San Diego is nearly impossibly to get into." Look, I am tougher than anything that get's thrown at me, but that doesn't stop me from looking at the world as "tough" or the world proceeding to be that way. I know I need to stay in SoCal because I have worked so hard to get here. For a whole decade I dreamed of being back. Leaving would be like leaving a piece of me I have been yearning for for so long. I have been so extremely focused on school recently because I know what I have to do to please these schools to get accepted. Unfortunately, CSU schools do not have to look at your personal background and skills unlike UC schools where you submit an essay. I know that would help me so much because of how much I have overcome and what I am doing now, blogging for almost 2 years! In the end, when I search for a career, it's the writing that counts. However, right now it's about the GPA. That's the tough thing. I should've taken some of my general ed classes pass/no pass, but I can't turn back now, nor should I.
Just remember when things get tough, that you are tougher. That is the attitude that will get you through anything you are succumbing. Good luck these last few weeks in school! Focus on the prize!!! (Your degree and summer)
Keep up the good work