Tbh this coffee distracted me instead of helping me focus |
It's getting real guys. The workload is sufficiently increasing. It's like the end of running in a race, you gotta pick up the speed and put in extra work. We are almost at the finish line!!!
Lately I've been dealing with the sniffles, the achoos, the cough coughs, and a sore throat. I went to the nurse and they believe it is just allergies. When I first had the sore throat I was like uh....wait.... didn't I just have a tonsillectomy a year ago? I think the sore throat is just coming the drainage....yum.

I've got a paper due every week in Argumentation & Debate including our final paper which will be 15 pages. Our "final" for that class will be debating in front of the entire class. Journalism is requiring me to go to an event to cover a breaking news story that I need to write by 11:59pm the next day. I have to go to at least two more concerts for Music Appreciation. If I go to an extra one it can raise my grade by three percent.I also have to clock in at the library and watch two hour long videos. In Graphic Design I have to put together a 12 page booklet about Guinni in InDesign by the end of the semester. I'll admit, it's overwhelming. All I can do is do one thing at a time and move along to the next project. That's all you can do too! There's no way around it, you just gotta do it.

Picture summer at the end of your finish line and run like you are being chased! You can do this, I believe in all of you!
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