It's not easy...
Having a job and going to school all while trying to be an adult and take care of yourself. But hey, at least I work at a sweet spot! I never thought I'd be going to a school right on the beach, never mind working right on it as well. Maybe even next year I'll live in a home on Oceanside for the thrill of it!
Currently I work at Beachside Bar-Cafe. It's a seafood restaurant right before the UCSB entrance. Anywhere you sit in the entire restaurant has a view of the ocean. It's an adorable, beach restaurant with hanging surfboards, island map place-mats, and an oyster-bar. I've been working here since the end of July this summer. It took me basically the entire summer to find a job. Through trial and error and multiple let downs, I got a call from the place I wanted to work most; here.
It's not what it looks like. |
For right now I'm a hostess, like I have been since I was seventeen. However, in a couple months I think I will be taking that big leap into becoming a server. I might as well make more money while I'm working! This restaurant is a busy one. Hosting basically pays off what I spend on basic necessities during the month. To be honest I don't necessarily need to be making money right now, and I'm very blessed to be in that position. But seeing a family member of mine go downhill financially overtime has scared me. I'm more precocious compared to someone else in my position because I know what it's like to not be in this position as well.
My school and work schedule goes like this:

Monday: Work in the morning
Tuesday: School ALL DAY
Wednesday: School in the morning, Work at night
Thursday: School ALL DAY
Friday: Work in the morning

And my weekends are free! Unless I pick up an extra shift. I like to save my weekends to travel or go see family. I try to relax to but...those of you that know me know I'm not so professional at that skill. During the week let me tell ya, I'm EXHAUSTED. After my health-related past I'm very proud of myself for making it this far on my own. Going to school, working, doing everything on my own. I read this quote recently that states "Be who you needed when you were younger." I think it's very inspirational. It makes me want to become the best version of myself possible and push towards being successful!
PS: Also I get to wear cute outfits unlike the other restaurant I used to work at where I had to wear a "man's outfit". I definitely feel more confident in a dress rather than a buttoned up shirt and tie! It makes my job of portraying happiness and welcoming vibes a little easier, even when I am stressed.
If you're interested in visiting Beachside, click
here. And tell them Angela sent ya ;) Heck, maybe that'll get your girl a raise! Haha...just kiddinggggggg.