Hello all! I have arrived back in beautiful Santa Barbara after a month in the cold and it feels so good! Warm Angela= happy Angela. My flights to Virginia sucked because I was
sick, my ears didn't pop until the morning after I got there. I was there for over a month. It was nice being able to see my family, friends, and my pug Guinness. However, it was time to come home. I missed this beautiful place filled with opportunities and dreams that I'm more than ready to achieve!

As you can see by the title of this blog, things are about to be different this semester. In fact, things have already changed. After 15 hours of travel time, I arrived back to Tropicana Gardens Monday night after 9 PM to an empty suite. Not only was the $16 cab ride for a few miles ridiculous, it took over an hour to figure out my new key situation and my car keys were in my friends room. As soon as I leveled out my key chaos, I knocked on my new suite's door and got to meet my new roommates. Since all of my roommates left, Trop gave me a room to myself in a different suite with no extra charge. I'm very excited to share a suite with these nice people! In fact, we already have plans to go out for my birthday tomorrow :) The stressful part about everything was that I started school and had to move my stuff on the same day yesterday. No further complaints about that because I'm couldn't be more thankful to have my own room.
Walked out of class and.... |
On the first day of school yesterday, I was on time to the bus stop even though my car wouldn't start correctly after leaving it here for over a month. However, the bus filled up quick and I wasn't able to get on. Within a few minutes, another bus came and it was like no other I've seen before. Apparently when I was gone they made the buses longer so more people could fit. Good thinking bus people! I arrived at SBCC to go to Biology of Human Sexuality and my Intermediate Algebra class. Obviously my first class was more interesting, my teacher wrote in big letters P***S and V****A and told us all to yell it out loud so the other classes could hear and so we could get more comfortable. I have videos of it but I don't think I can put that on here. Very funny on My Snapchat Story though!

Today was the second day of school but I had two new classes to attend, including Sociology: Marriage, Family, and Intimacy and English Composition. My Sociology class was so full people were sitting on the floor, hopefully that will change. My teacher said she was married for 42 years and I led the class in applause for her for that. After that class I went to get food real quick at the cafeteria. Of course to make my day even more busy I noticed a wallet left on a seat outside. I once lost my wallet and got it returned to me with everything in it, so I felt it was my duty to bring it to the lost and found. Next I had my English class where I already wrote an essay in class, but he seemed like a chill teacher. As soon as I took ONE STEP out of that classroom, I saw a pug!!!!! It was panting with it's tongue out. You should've seen the smile that brought to my face! Haha.

Here's to the second semester of second chances. I've got a new room, new roommates, new classes, and new attitude. So far the best part about second semester has been seeing people that I recognize around school. I definitely feel at home now :)
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