Monday, December 26, 2016

Holiday Trip Part 1

Today I start traveling once again to visit more family in North and South Carolina. After this trip, I will be back in Virginia just in time for New Year's Eve. The day after New Year's Day I will fly back to California in a different year than I left it. It's insane how fast time flies and the amount of things that can happen within that time.

The first full day after I got to Virginia I started my morning off with a dentist appointment, thinking I was simply going to get a teeth cleaning with X-ray and get my bottom permanent retainer removed. Hahaha, not in my world! I won't say how many cavities I had, but I will tell you it was a lot. Apparently they were all in between my teeth where I'm supposed to be flossing and they all formed within the past year or two. No offense to those who floss regularly, but WHO FLOSSES daily? The dentist also said the chemotherapy could've given me dry mouth and damaged my enamel. That's exactly why I stopped wearing my top retainer, so something like this wouldn't happen. I cannot tell you how shocked I was when the dentist told me. I've only had one cavity my entire life (of not flossing regularly) when I was nine and that baby tooth fell out soon after. $1600 down the drain. Thanks for helping dental insurance (not). But least my teeth didn't fall out.

The best part about my trip so far was digging through all my old stuff and watching videos from when I was a baby. Watching those videos was extremely significant to me because not only do I obviously have no memories from that time, but that's the only time I had my mom and brother. My dad and I reacted differently to them. It was hard for him to watch, whereas I was so intrigued by the videos. I felt like I was finally experiencing what it was like to be with them. When the videos ended, that's when I lost it. I wanted to watch more. It's almost like I could watch them forever.

I think my writing skills have improved hahaha
(click on pic to enlarge)
My wig sort of matches
my new hair!
In my boxes of stuff I found everything from my cancer treatment, all of my old corsages from high school dances, artwork from when I was a kid, etc.. Two of my favorite things I found was a book and a business card. The baby book was written for me by my mom. I found this before we had watched the videos, so for the first time I felt like she was speaking to me. It was magical. I also found a business card. Doesn't sound exciting right? Well it was. I've been looking for this card for six years! It was given to me by an author who visited other kids and I in the hospital. He spent as much time as he could with me in my hospital room because he was amazed by my story and saw something in me. He wanted me to be a part of his book and also wanted to help me publish my own. I was so crushed when I couldn't find it years ago. Ever since, I have been thinking about what a miracle it would be to find it. I will try contacting Trevor Romain over break. Hopefully all his contact information is the same. Hopefully he remembers me! We did take a picture together for him to keep, so I'm sure he might.

Still numb from the four numbing shots, I drove up to D.C. to visit my friend from cancer camp, Serena, in the Children's Hospital. We have both been in cancer remission roughly the same amount of time, but she is dealing with intense late effects right now. Her cancer was in her hip and the radiation and chemo damaged that specific area. Serena had to get a hip replacement in order to stop the pain and limping. The holiday traffic was about the worst I've ever seen in Virginia, but it was beyond worth it to visit this girl.

Christmas Eve morning I spent at my stepmom's house with my three brothers. We opened presents because afterwards I drove my brothers and I down to my dad's for Christmas. I cannot even begin to tell you how many pug gifts I received. I love pugs, I really do, and I may be a little bit obsessed, but ya'll take it to a whole other level! Maybe I'm just irritated because I want an actual pug (2.5 years Angela, 2.5 MORE YEARS).
Yesterday on Christmas, we all went to see Passengers. I enjoy watching movies about space because if it were safe, possible, and didn't take several years I would be thrilled to go! I didn't know this until I watched the movie, but Jennifer Lawrence played a journalist in space. How perfect is that?!

What's most important about the holidays is spending time with your family and friends, no matter what it is you do. It is a time to celebrate our lives and reflect on everything we are thankful for. No family is normal and as long as you realize that, it'll make enjoying your time with them even more enjoyable. To those who are alone during the holidays, I have much sympathy for you. Maybe FaceTime them or treat yourself to your own little holiday party!

Safe travels everyone and Happy Holidays no matter what you're celebrating!

Also, have you all notice everyone is playing that "Speak Out" game? Yep....we were one of those families that played it.  Down below is a video of me....well....trying to speak out.

PS: I apologize if there are any grammar mistakes in this blog post. You know how I feel about those! I wanted to make sure I was able to post for you guys before the second half of my trip. Gotta go, we're rushing out the door, bye!!!

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