Wednesday, October 26, 2016

CSU Applications

I had to share this picture of THE FIRST
TIME I have ever got my own table at
Starbucks....after two hours that is.
Over the past couple weeks, I have limited my focus on applying to CSU schools. Private school applications are not due for a good few months and UC applications are not even open until next month ( it is also unlikely that I will apply to any of the UC's). are the CSU schools I have at least once considered: CSULB, CSUN, CSUF, SDSU.

Last week I attended a CSU application workshop to understand how to get started on applying to these campuses. You can sign up for one of the workshops at the Transfer Center in the Student Services Building. All you have to do is go to and make an account. Next, you pick the semester you are applying for. Finally, you pick an application to start with! 

I decided to begin my first application with CSU Long Beach. After you fill out one application, you still have to submit separate ones for other CSU campuses. However, the information from your first application will transfer onto your future applications *crossing my fingers this works out.*

The good thing about applying for CSU schools is that if you don't get accepted, they will send your applications elsewhere based off a list of schools that are less impacted. Unfortunately from the ones I have seen so far, none have a journalism program. However, I am not too worried because I know I will get in somewhere no matter how much my anxiety and stress tells me differently. If you are aiming to have an associate degree for transfer, the likelihood of getting accepted increases tremendously. Guess who is getting a journalism for transfer degree in May? .......... That'd be me!

November is approaching us. I am so sorry to you transfer students who are applying to a bunch of UC schools on top of CSU schools. And you TAG students, you are lucky ducks....or should I say... vaqueros. 

I however, will still be focusing on CSU schools in November. I am so proud of my procrastinated-self that I didn't wait until next month to start. Right now I have filled out everything in the application that I could. Next, I am planning on going to the Transfer Center to get my final set of  questions answered before submitting all my applications. To be completely honest, I know when it comes time to submit everything, I am going to become so paranoid about everything being perfect. I am terrified of making even the tiniest mistake in the application that could cost me my acceptance. I will get to that when I get there. Doing my best is all that I can do! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


For the past two weeks, I have been working on filming and editing for The Channels. On top of written articles, the school newspaper has these videos called "Voices" that are published every week. Three staff members will get assigned a specific question every week to ask people who are walking around campus. The photographers work with the camera, while the writers switch off between interviewing and recording audio.

Our little film news crew was assigned two questions to report in two separate weeks, those being: "What class have you grown to love?" and "Describe the weirdest living situation you've ever experienced."

To the right I am holding a boom mic that is clearly taller than myself. I recorded the audio for "What class have you grown to love?" It was definitely a struggle being short and small, holding the boom mic up close and above the person being interviewed, but also out of video frame. Imagine a person carrying this, walking around campus. It can be pretty intimidating. I felt like a news crew nerd, in a good way. It was an awesome experience that taught me more about the broadcasting side of journalism.

As for interviewing, it was mainly all the same. The only difference I experienced while interviewing people for "Describe the weirdest living situation you've ever experienced" was receiving a lot of rejection. People see the camera and the boom mic and suddenly go into shy-mode. Not going to lie, every time it happened I got more and more frustrated. I've been learning by experience to block out taking rejection personally, but it was early in the morning and after 20+ times, around 15 of those in a row, it became harder and harder to build up the courage to ask another person.

After we got all the video footage needed, we had to use this video-editing program and put everything together, which ended up taking hours upon hours because there is so much editing involved. The person who was reporting (interviewing) the students, records their voice asking the question for the beginning of the Voices video. Before announcing each question you have to say, "This week The Channels asks students.....(then the question)." There is a funny audio clip I saved where I messed up that I specifically saved for this blog, but it wouldn't let me upload it. I don't believe that will be the first and only time when that happens, especially if I continue broadcast! That tends to happen in the field.

Voices gave me just enough experience and confidence to go into my internship orientation this Saturday. I will talk all about looking for internships in my next blog or two! Also, tomorrow I am going to one of the CSU Transfer Workshops in hopes to get a better understanding on how to complete the applications, so I will talk about that as well. Things are happening and they are happening fast!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Ready, Set, Transfer!

Hello my friends, yes this is the blogging team! You may see this image on the school buses, banners, postcards, or other ads. I have yet to see a bus pass by since I carpool to school, but I can tell you that when I do it will be pretty darn flippin' cool!

Fall semester is flying by and before I know it, it will be my last semester as SBCC (Spring 2017). Soon after, I will be in my cap and gown accepting my journalism transfer associate's degree!

But wait....where will I be transferring to??? That's what I'm working on.

Here are my thoughts:
I want to stay in SoCal. I prefer to go to a school around Los Angeles for opportunities to be more accessible and to stay close to family/friends. I want transfer to a university where I could see myself thrive. No UC in SoCal has journalism except for UCI so I will mainly be applying to CSU's and a couple private schools.

Here are my top choices that meet all the thought requirements above:

CSULB- California State University, Long Beach
CSUF- California State University, Fullerton
USC- University of Southern California
Chapman University

That's the first step. Figure out your top few transfer schools, focus on their transfer requirements, and do your best to get accepted. Put those schools as your top priority. Next, you may want to have backup options and apply to a few of them. Mine include: SDSU, CSUN, and UCI. Why are those my backup options you may ask? San Diego State is very far away, a difficult school to get into, and requires that I take extra classes to transfer. Northridge is in an area that reminds me of some difficult parts of my life. On a positive note, it is closest to where I'm originally from and my family that is still here. However, it is right by my mom and brother's cemetery and in an area where a family member (who was like a grandmother to me) passed away. Irvine is a UC school. I will have to do more research regarding this school because I have heard that the UC schools are known for their research more than their creativeness like CSU schools. Apparently CSU schools are more helpful with guiding you towards a career rather than just giving you a degree. The journalism major at UCI is under the English department and is actually "literary journalism." Although, the best part about the UC schools is that you get to submit an essay along with your application to make yourself look good. I wish the CSU schools had this option because I could show my writing skills through it and mention all I have accomplished in life.....which I don't mean to brag...but hey if it gets me into a school why not!

What now?
Recently I met with my journalism teacher, asking her for advice on where I should transfer to. She told me not to apply to a school where I don't want to go or can't see myself being happy. That knocks out CSUN. She also told me that most of journalism opportunities will be in LA, that the journalism major at SDSU is more focused on communications/media, and that you are most likely to get careers/internships around the place where you graduated school from. This is starting to lean me away from SDSU. She finally told me that I can apply to what I once thought was my dream school (UCLA) as a separate major since they don't have journalism and work for their "Bruin Daily" newspaper on the side. I could do this with any UC that has a school newspaper. I am turned off by this option because I would not be learning about journalism, but rather working for it as an activity.

Right now I have narrowed down my options (thanks to writing this blog out). I have decided on my top choices and I have two backup schools. At most I will be applying to six schools: CSULB, CSUF, USC, Chapman, SDSU, and UCI.

My next step
Apply! Apply! Apply! CSU schools allow students to apply between Oct 1- Nov 30. UC schools let students apply between Nov 1- Nov 30. Private school application deadlines vary, my deadlines are in February.

The next couple months can and will get very stressful. Here's a piece of advice that I need to practice following myself: Do not worry/stress about where you will be next. The truth is, you don't know! Not knowing can be really scary. Time can change a lot of things. Try your best not to worry about where you will be attending school next until you get back those acceptance letters! Good luck my fellow transfer students! If you need any help applying, go visit the Transfer Center in the Student Services Building. They have workshops you can sign up for where you can receive help with your UC or CSU applications.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Why Don't We Know?

Forewarning you....things are about to get a little chaotic. Upcoming transfer students, you know what I'm talking about! Before my blogs start to get all advising and academic, I'd like to catch you up first!
We Gaucho Back
Hello IV
My friend Joseph and I went to the Pardall Carnival last weekend. For some reason, after the two complete years I have been here, this was the first time I went. They had food, club kiosks, face painting, a ferris wheel, and games all in the center street of Isla Vista.  It was awesome to see all the residents walking around IV from high up! You really start to many people do they shove into these houses? 
Recently I been attending a few Hillel events with my birthright friends. I enjoy it more this year now that I know people. Last year I went there to keep updated on my past birthright adventure. Now, every time I go to Hillel I can't help but be in shock that my birthright trip is a mere memory. I looked forward to this trip my whole life and now it's over. I apologize for not making a blog post about my trip yet, but I will eventually! I simply haven't had the time to make the iMovie because there are hundreds....and I mean hundreds of pictures/videos.
Cam Cam the Camel
I always walk into
Hillel thinking it's a dog

          Why Don't We Know?

I'm not sure what it is about the city college and the Santa Barbara area, but I feel like there are a lot of events and clubs that are happening that people don't get word of. For instance, this past weekend I covered an article about the SBCC Cosmetology Academy for The Channels. They informed me that maybe two percent of the school knows about them. They perform a range of cosmetology work at a very reduced price. Why didn't I ever know about this? 
Fun, random beach photoshoots with
your best friend are....the best! An
IV must do.
Another example is The Channels. I started going to SBCC in Fall 2014 and I didn't realize the school had a newspaper until Spring 2016. WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THIS? I AM A JOURNALISM MAJOR FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. I guess I'm a curious person and that's why I love journalism. Media informs me about what's going on in the world, so when I don't know about things I tend to freak out like I have been living in some sort of lie or some separate world. You should've seen me last night trying to stay awake and finish watching the Vice Presidential Debate when I clearly couldn't keep my eyes open. I am passionate about life and I don't want to miss out on anything it has to offer.
I could go on and on about things that I am just now figuring out as a third year student. I don't have the answer as to why or how the school can adverstise more efficiently. I do know that being a part of The Channels staff has been the most informative to me when it comes to learning about things going on around campus. Maybe because the newspaper is only online, students don't know about it. The internet is a distraction as it contains everything you could ever think of. Some say print will never die because of its unique ability to shut the world out when one is reading it. I'm interested in finding out whether more students would know about the school newspaper or read it more as a print or online form.

We are not a regular community college. This school feels like a university and I am grateful to be here. Maybe this is a lesson in disguise? Maybe we as college students are expected to find out things for ourselves. We are adults even though sometimes it doesn't feel like it. I think the main concept of this blog is to inform you that you gotta go out and find what you want. During childhood, we kind of just got told what we were going to do, what we were allowed to do, or what we should do. Now that we are adults, we have been set free to make our own decisions. This is the beginning to our lives that we  have the power to control the destiny of. Whatever it is you want to do, go out and make it happen!

I feel as though I am just now starting to figure out this concept of adulthood and I couldn't be more excited to finally have some control over my life! Gotta go start this transfer process!