Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Apparently being 5'2"
is too tall?

Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile! I've caught the cold everyone has been getting (hence the slight increase in available parking spots). In fact, Monday, my roommate Courtney and I were both sent home from school.
You see, I'm the type of student who stresses out more from missing class, rather than going to class. Being sick is such a letdown because it reminds me of a time in my life where I felt stuck, like there was nothing I could do to be simultaneously sick and happy. Normally, I am an extremely motivated person. I have goals in life that I want to achieve. School motivates me knowing I am one step closer to my degree and my career every class I take. When I am sick I feel like I am being held back from what motivates me. Class? Nurse says no. Gym? I can't breathe out my nose. Hangout with friends? Don't want to get them sick. Get shhtuff done? Lol, yeah right, stay in bed.
I'd like to say that I have tips for following through with your life's motivations during times of sickness, but the truth of the matter is- the only motivation you should really be focusing on is getting better. There is a lot of life to live, but you've only got one body to live in.

Look at how much fun I was having before I got sick!

This will be the busiest semester yet. I am proud of myself for leaving my restaurant job before things got too hectic. I usually don't realize how much stress I am taking on before it's too late. After my diagnosis and course of being sick multiple times, I've noticed one thing that always makes me feel a little better- making light of the situation. Humor can get you through more than you think. "Cancer humor" got me through cancer (which I don't expect you to understand, I will explain it in my book). You can find humor in almost every situation. What do you know?! There is even humor about paying your bills. In three days, I finished four seasons of Inside Amy Schumer. Out of everything she joked about, this small part in an episode is what I found most funny. Why? Because paying bills over the phone is the most stressful thing ever. If you'd like to know how I react while paying bills, checkout this scene. While I may not react some of those ways while the mute button is not currently turned on, I sure do relate to her feeling that type of way. Except I would not go as far as flying to India.....that's a little much. Enjoy!
This was a happy day.
To my unfortunate SBCC students who caught the cold, if DayQuil isn't working for you, I recommend you try a decongestant (so does the nurse). I learned that Monday and so far my congestion has been a bit more on the controlled side as compared to before. I also recommend you see the nurse before doing so. Appointments are covered under your tuition fee and they may be able to give you medicine/antibiotics at a discounted price. Be well or get well my friends!!!

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