Hi!!!! I'm back for my final, third year at SBCC and am so excited and grateful for all of you readers and the opportunities coming my way this year and all the years to come.
For those of you that are new to my blog, welcome! I have 101 other blog posts over the past 2 years ever since I was a freshie that you can go checkout. I'd be very impressed if you looked through them all! Never mind read them word for word. Because every day is a new day, every year is a new year, here is a third introduction of myself, Angela Rose Bickmann, during my first day at SBCC for the 2016-2017 school year (I almost typed 2015 yikes):
First off, I am a Journalism major. Last year I was contemplating what major to decide on, which ended up being journalism. My entire life I have always changed my mind on what I want to do because I want to experience everything exciting life has to offer. However, I always found myself finding my way back to writing. Over the summer, it hit me that journalism has a couple different branches: writing and broadcasting. Many people this summer have hinted to me that I have "the look" for broadcasting on T.V. What I say back to them is what if I'm interviewing someone who is over 6 foot and I (5'2") am looking up to them reaching for what seems to be the sky with the microphone to their mouth. Haha, but seriously most of the contemplating I have done has been deciding between film and writing. Broadcasting may be a middle ground and I could always do writing on the side. Who knows, I am currently looking into an internship at the KEYT Santa Barbara news station which may help me decide. My main thing is I don't want a job that is boring or a job I dread going to. Film is entertaining and writing makes me feel good. What do I enjoy doing more? I don't know, but hopefully through all the opportunities I have this year I will be able to decide.
A couple other things you should know about me to understand the personality behind my blogs are as follows:
- I was born in Thousand Oaks, California and moved when I was 8 years old to Illinois. A year and a half later I moved across the river to Iowa. I stayed there until halfway through my freshman year of high school when I then moved to Virginia. That is where I graduated high school.
- I am a writer because I have been through a lot and think a lot and writing my ideas/thoughts down and getting it out of my head leads me to this creative flow that is in a way therapeutic. My mom and brother passed away when I was one year old and I was diagnosed with cancer, Hodgkin's Lymphoma, when I was 15 years old. Those two things, along with many others, have made me into the type of person I am and choose to be today. I am a survivor and I am motivated with the desire to make the most of this life.
-I recently put in my two weeks at my restaurant job for this reason. This year I will be working for the blogging team, The SBCC Channels Newspaper, possibly an internship, and another opportunity. I can't do it all, no one can. This summer was my 5 year remission mark for being cancer free, but that doesn't mean the struggles of it are over. I notice myself getting overwhelmed when I have too much on my plate at once. Well, this year my plate is full and I needed to make some room before I got too full. Get what I'm sayin'?

Face the ocean. Take a deep breath. Stretch. You've made it. And guess what? You can make more of it! Peace and love my friends.
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