Cutest and realest planner I've ever owned. |
The Channels: Reporting/Writing (JOUR 121)
Career Planning: Self-Paced (PD 191A)
Introduction to Ethics (PHIL 101)
Mass Media and Society (COMM 171)
Week 1 DONE! Above are the classes that I am taking this semester. The journalism class and the communications class are required for Journalism majors. The personal development class is an online, one unit class that I'm taking to help motivate me to plan out what career I'd be interested in. As of right now, I am not sure what I want to do and that's okay! All that matters right now is that I have an interest and a starting point. As for the philosophy class, it is my last General Ed course I will ever have to take! I'm not mad about it though because it sounds really interesting to me and it will involve writing papers.
Introduction to Ethics
I had the hardest time finding this class, just to find out that it is in the same classroom my JOUR 101 class was in last year. However, I was still a minute or two early and I walked in to the teacher already taking roll. Of course, since my last name starts with
B, he already called my name. No big deal, if you are "late" to the first couple classes teachers are understanding that you are either trying to find it or parking is... well, crap.
Quote of the day: "If you get a D on an ethics exam there is seriously something wrong."
Ethics is the study of how we ought to live with others and ourselves. It is knowing or debating disputed/controversial topics right from wrong. So basically if you are mentally sane and have good morals, this class should be pretty understandable.
Mass Media and Society
I trucked my way over from Ethics on East Campus to this class on West Campus beginning right after. "Partition" by Beyonce is playing, giving the room a laid-back, and myself a confident feel. What do you know, this is the same classroom my communications class, Argumentation and Debate, was in last year!
Quote of the day: "We could talk about Donald Trump every day. Election is a great year to be in this class."
After going to this class a couple times this week, I've realized that I am interested in this class a lot more than I thought I would be thanks to the teacher! One of the things she mentioned is something I have been worried about as someone who may work in the media in the future. She said that the media is sometimes "ugly" and "crap", but that she wanted this class to be the opposite: "kind" and "brave."
The Channels: Reporting and Writing
As I was walking from the parking lot, I checked my phone to see what classroom this class would be in. Really? Really? This class is in the same building as my journalism classroom last semester and the same class as my ethics class this semester. I guess I kinda wish I had new classrooms for a new semester but that's okay. The only thing is this class is in the ECC buildings that aren't really even buildings, so it's either freezing cold or humid hot. Anyway! I was obviously the most excited for this class. But really, my heart was racing. It wasn't from nervousness, but the coffee shop ran out of iced coffee and offered me the Americano (expresso shots over ice). Yeah...never again. When we had to stand up in front of the class and introduce ourselves my heart was racing and I was shaking from the caffeine on top of the pressure. Yes, I introduced myself as a proud, third year school blogger! Two crazy things I learned was that as school journalists, we get a "press pass" to every event and game. YAY FREE THINGS! Also, I learned that we will be publishing a news story every week starting Week 2......WHAT? Not being able to control my facial expressions, the teacher caught me after she said that and laughed and the truthfulness of it.
Quote of the day: "In journalism we say.... It is never done, it is only due."
HERE to check it out. This is where my articles will be published. When I publish my first one, I will make sure to blog about it and give you all the exact link.
Career Planning: Self-Paced
There is not too much to say about this class as it is one unit and online. I was worried about it being online, but came to find out that it is much more simple than I thought it would be. I received an email the first day of school from the teacher, Christopher Phillips. I actually met with him when I was trying to decide on my major last Fall. So really you don't even need to take this class to get help deciding on a major or career. You can simply go to the Career Center in the Student Services building. I am taking this class only because I need that push to make sure I make time for this priority to figure it all out. The class seems so simple in fact, that after I read the email and syllabus from him, I emailed him asking if there were really only four assignments due the whole semester all by December 9th. He said yes. Talk about testing my persistence of procrastination.

I hope all you current SBCC students are settling into the classes you wanted. I have a couple tips for you! The parking will be even worse than it normally is the first few weeks of school until people figure out their best ways of transportation, so I suggest getting there early. Also, the campus is doing construction on the Bookstore. Now it is right above the stadium in these little rooms that used to be classrooms so the security is a little strict. It is normal for the Bookstore to have a huge line at the beginning of the semester while buying books. On top of that, now there is a line you have to wait in (up to an hour wait) before you can even enter the Bookstore for what I believe is security reasoned. I suggest buying your books online to save time! Have a great, first weekend :)