So this specific seagull to right above would not stop squawking at me. His friend joined into the harmony as well. Over everyone else outside, he decides to come squawk at me for a salad. A SALAD. Heck, I'd squawk for some chicken tenders and some fries if I could. Oh wait, the seagull in the picture to the left did. In fact, he took it farther than any other seagull has done before in the presence of a human being inches away. HE GOT ON MY TABLE. Excuse me, am I sitting at YOUR table?? This picture shows I had absolutely nothing left on my plate after he was staring me down until I finished my chicken and fries. You know what he did? As I was sitting RIGHT THERE, he took my ranch cup from me, hopped off the table, and flew away.................................. you win seagull. YOU WIN.
Is this payback for chasing seagulls all my life?
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