Let me tell you, so many things have happened within a week's time that I could blog about a million things. I wish I could've blogged a few times this week to keep you all up to date, however you will realize why I did not have time to after I explain....Since the last time I blogged I have had two midterms, joined a club, started working again after being sick so long, figured out my major, and started signing up for spring semester classes. Yeah, I know, what a week! I might just have to split this all up into a few blogs, but bare with me, I promise to start blogging more often!! Let's start off with the surprises that have occurred this week just so I can catch you up. I'm finally starting to get into the swing of things again after being sick so long, but this week just turned out to be a roller coaster instead of a swing. Trust me, I'm so excited to tell everyone about my major because it's a big step to my future, but that deserves it's own entire blog post! The roller coaster wouldn't let me stop it so I wasn't able to find a moment to relax and do one of my favorite things (blogging for you guys :)

Last Saturday I went out with two of my roommates to dinner because it was Sarah's 20th birthday. We decided to go eat at my work because my work has a gorgeous view at sunset of the ocean and Sarah could get a large sundae for her birthday. With my discount, we split the highest priced item on the menu (crab legs) with mashed potatoes (which I've been craving for forever and couldn't wait till Thanksgiving). It's nice to treat yourself once in a while, plus birthdays are worth celebrating! As we were finishing dinner, we see a bright light moving in the sky. It was on national news if you haven't heard about it but it was the strangest thing ever! It looked like a UFO and left a bright green light behind it. Everyone at the restaurant got up and was amazed! My favorite Yik Yak comment about it was someone freaking out about seeing it and saying "I swear I'm sober."
It's finally getting colder.
This means....
Bring out the scarves, leggings,
sweaters, and boots! |
Yesterday at school I was walking on West Campus about to go to class when a guy stops me to talk to me. Yeah, I know right? What a miracle! That never happens these days. He asked if I had time to talk and I said sure. He then proceeded to say. "I was wondering if you wanted to Netflix and chill with me sometime?" I was like, "....Is this a prank or did someone dare you to ask me this?" He denied both things and I stared at his big blue eyes and said I would chill and Netflix with him but not Netflix and chill. He laughed, agreed to it, and asked for my number and typed in in without my name. After all that I was like...."So I didn't get your name?" He told me his name, I told him mine, and he told me I was "so beautiful" blah blah blah. I said I had to get to class and he said he'd text me. Two seconds after I left him, he stopped me from leaving and said "Hey Angela, I'm sorry to tell you, but this isn't real, I'm so sorry it's for a TV show, can we use this film of you?". See this is why I don't trust guys. I was smart and knew it from beginning and he lied! Trust your gut. That lesson applies to guys and multiple choice tests! Hahaha.
Today work was SWAMPED. I was so tired after my Wednesday night of 4 hours of sleep (science midterm probz) and my 8 hour day at school on Thursday. After sitting a customer at their table, I come back to the host stand, take a breather, look down a the reservation book, and THERE WAS A COCKROACH. My entire body jolted as my heart skipped a beat. I looked around and was worried someone saw my reaction but I didn't see anybody. I thought maybe a coworker was playing a prank on me like they do sometimes. I poked it with a pencil to make sure it wasn't real. It wasn't. I had seen so many cockroaches in my apartment recently before we got it sprayed that I did't trust it could be fake at first. A customer came up to me and told me he did it and told me to keep it!!! What? Why! I question what it is about me that people think they can mess with me. But they do!