Friday, April 17, 2015

Stuck on the Beach

Let me start off by saying thank you for reading and keeping up with my life. This is my 50th blog I have written during this first year at college and the second semester is coming to a close. This has been a crazy journey so far, and I can't wait for it to get crazier (maybe in better ways) haha. I don't know what I'm gonna do if I stop blogging, I need to write this life of mine out!

Guess what? You guessed it. I've got another crazy thing to write about! It kinda fits in with the whole SBCC experience since it's beach related. So yesterday I woke up from a bad dream and decided I was going to get out of that funk by going on a run/walk. I went all the way down El Colegio, through UCSB, and made my way to the beach. While I was there I decided to take it all in, walk a bit, and take some pictures. There was PLENTY of sand space to walk down as you can see in the picture. I start to notice as I'm walking north that the tide was high. I looked backwards south and I WAS SURROUNDED. I stood on this rock as the waves crashed beneath & behind me. I was hopeful at first that the tide would go back (which is when I took this video).

It started getting worse. I took my shoes and socks off and started walking against the wooden-log wall on top of these rocks that went all the way down the side of them, hurting my feet. I get to the point where I'm halfway between UCSB and the first set of stairs going up to Del Playa. At this point I'm holding onto the logs as I walk against them, starting to scream hoping someone would hear me. As I get further down, I come across these two guys and ask them to help me. They kind of gestured that they couldn't as my face showed signs of terror. Such gentlemen. Any who, this was way different than Ocean Swimming. I learned a lot in that course last semester, however I was up against a cliff with waves crashing against it. The highest one came all the way up to my chest. I didn't know what was safer, this or swimming up into a possible swell.

I was able to get behind the wooden wall and sit on the cliff while I took a breather before I had to go back at it again. I was in a deep anxiety attack shaking as I held on and so I called my dad. Surprised that my phone still worked! There are no lifeguards at this beach, so my dad said I had two options: 1. Get out of there  2. Call the police for help. The call dropped, I put my shoes back on, and I started to sprint across the rocks and water in my soaking wet shoes. I got to the stairs, climbed up the hill, and headed back home. I was exhausted, soaking wet, covered in sand. When I got home I noticed the whole way I walked home I had sand on my butt. I nodded my head in disbelief with a feeling of belief at the same time. This my friends, was my morning.

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