It's something I've dealt with my whole life. It's something impossible to get rid of. Through medications, therapy, and education I have found nothing but a reason. I guess that's what we want out of life right? We want to know the reasons why. 'What's your reason?' you might ask. Well, to start off I have separation anxiety. It's caused by the sudden loss of a parent when you're just a baby. I lost my mother and brother at year old. Not to mention all the other stress of life testing my strength. That's the reason. However, I'm trying to move past that reason for that reason. You see, I inspire myself through my past for my future. I want to live life to the fullest as you could tell in my last blog.

Many things at this age of ours can bring up anxiety. Some of those things involve moving on your own, living paycheck to paycheck,and working your butt off so you can go to school to find a job to work your butt off even more. But hey, it's all worth it if you make sure you study the subjects you need to achieve and attain the job you love. I love writing, I want to write a book and become a screen writer. This helps my anxiety. Find what you love to do, it's all apart of the college experience. I found what I wanted to do at a young age because I had to grow up quickly and I have had many experiences (which is a good thing for a writer to have ;) . Don't stress if you don't know what you want to do, because when you find it...that stress will go away. EXPERIENCE, EDUCATE yourself, and achieve EXCELLENCE! You will be ETERNALLY happy :)
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