Thursday, May 18, 2017

Goodbye SBCC, Hello CSUN!!!


Graduation day started out cloudy and chilly. All of a sudden in the middle of graduation practice there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. The sun beat down on all of us graduates who were oh so excited to wear our black cap and gowns.

My dad picked me up from practice and we immediately drove home so I could get ready for the ceremony. He packed the dishes I was afraid to pack while I was getting ready because the next day I was going to move most of my stuff!

He dropped me off at Julia's family's hotel so he could get to the college early to save seats. And what do you know, my car wouldn't start! Thankfully my dad had my uncle's car back at my apartment, so Julia's dad drove him back to get it. I called to get my car towed from the hotel and had it taken to an auto repair shop.
Ready for the ceremony!
It was so random and inconvenient because it was working just fine before! Thankfully it was towed in time. Between that, the traffic, and the blocked street near school Julia and I ended up being close to the back of the line of graduates even though we were still on time.

I instantly regretted wearing my sky-high wedges that I've only worn one time for the senior year prom. In line I stood with Julia and two other graduates from The Channels staff. After walking to our seats, we ended up being in the last row which was strange because usually I'm near the front alphabettically. I was the second to last to graduate!

My dad saved seats for Julia and I's family and friends right in the middle of the bleachers in the seventh row.  We turned back and waved to them many times throughout the ceremony.

Saving the best for last, it was our row's turn to walk towards the stage. When we got up to the stairs, we were told to run across the stage because there were less people on the other side. I was looking forward to shaking President Beebe's hand, but I was still excited to receive the empty diploma holder from Vice President Trustee Jonathan Abboud. I've wrote two profiles on him. In fact, I knew Beebe and all of the Board of Trustee members up there from covering them all semester— so that all added to the experience!
Julia was standing right in front of me and it was amazing to watch my best friend receive her degree and share the experience with her! I was looking forward to hearing "associate in arts journalism," after my name but I think I was too focused on not tripping and being shocked that this was actually happening.

The firm handshake signified how strong I finished off here at SBCC.

I walked down in between the huge line of trustees and faculty and ran into The Channels teacher Patricia and gave her a big hug. She sat near us during the ceremony and I ran into Melanie and Sammy, my editor in chief from fall semester, as well. It was the perfect send off to CSUN!

My dad flew in from Virginia to visit
After the ceremony Julia and I met with our family and friends to take pictures. Then we drove to Casa Blanca for our dinner reservation. We were there for three hours! We even had dinner together at her grandpa's restaurant the next day. Our family and my friends all bonded together so well it was like one big happy family!

My dad and her grandpa gave speeches at the dinner. My dad gave me photo albums including many years of pictures and a palm tree and martini pandora charm to represent my 21st birthday and my time here in Santa Barbara. Julia's grandpa also gave a heartwarming speech about us two girls starting this new journey together.

The next day I moved out the majority of my stuff and I spent a few more days with my dad. Now here I am at Starbucks writing my last blog post out of 138 before I move in less than two weeks.

Wow, I just got stuck writing this. I'm about to say my last words to you guys on this blog. This is crazy!!! Aaaaaand here come the tears.

If it weren't for my dear Great Great Aunt Sally's help, I wouldn't have been able to fulfill my dream of moving back to California for college. She lived in Northridge and passed away the day I moved out here after I graduated high school. She was like a mother to my mom and a grandmother to me. I know she is still watching and is so excited to see how far I go.

Glad all the guest could see the ocean view!!! The graduates sat too low in
our seats hahaha
I cannot express how thankful and honored I am to have received my education at Santa Barbara City College. I not only became more knowledgeable in my education, but have grown as a person here.

SBCC is truly the best community college out there.

While I will miss this place, I'm ready to move forward with my education and the opportunities that await. I will visit for vacation as this place is typically known for. And hey, maybe in the future I'll end up with a job working for the Santa Barbara Independent or KEYT.

I wish all of you new, current and alumni SBCC students the best of luck in continuing your education and finding out what truly makes you happy.

My final advice to all of you is to use your college experience as a tool to make your aspirations in life a reality.

This blog has received almost 40,000 views over the past three years!!! Granted some of it may be spam, but most of it is from all of you— truly making me feel like continuing down a career path like this is possible!

I want to thank my fellow students, family, friends, and international students from around the world for taking interest and supporting my dreams!

Here is the link to my website I created this summer: !!!

I'm so excited to continue this as an independent blogger :) Subscribe to the newsletter on the blog tab to get notified whenever I post a new blog!

pc: John Rose

Signing off as a proud alumni of Santa Barbara City College,

Angela Rose Bickmann 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Transferring With a Degree and Best Friend

All photos taken by John Rose
Today was my last day as a student at Santa Barbara City College.

Friday I'll arrive at the ceremony as a graduating student and leave as an alumni—with a degree in my hand and my best friend by my side.

I couldn't wish for anything better.

Staff members of The Channels gathered in the newsroom today, reminiscing on all of our accomplishments. No matter how much I tried not to, I couldn't help but tear up in gratitude for my experience with this newspaper. 

I said goodbye to being a reporter and editor for The Channels and hello to...... well..... I'm not sure yet. 

It's a leap of faith going from having multiple jobs to moving to a new place where I'm not guaranteed anything but being a CSUN student. 

What I do know is that LA is the land of opportunities and CSUN has the kind of journalism program that can lead me to those opportunities—all I have to do is go get them.

It may be competitive. It may be stressful. I may drink Starbucks late at night while I wonder who I am, what life is, and why I still don't have a pug. But I won't be doing it alone. 

Julia is my best friend, "cubicle" buddy, and soon to be roommate.

She and I are not only graduating SBCC together, we are going to be roommates who share the same major and graduate CSUN together as well.

After letting everything sink in today, I've realized I'm transitioning into a completely new life of mine.

I've always said "I don't want to just survive; I want to live."

This past semester, I have. The direction of my life has began to change. There's been a breakthrough in my positive thinking, events, opportunities, etc., proving that my past does not have to determine my future.

I've started to live my life, not just survive it.

That being said, I feel it's time to change my usernames in my social media accounts that are "arose_survivor."

Although to me it means that I "arose" into a better life after surviving, it makes meeting new people awkward. I can never choose to tell someone later because they kind of already know. I am and will continue to use social media all the time to promote my work because that's what journalists have to do in today's world. Maybe I'll use the name as an idea for something else because I still adore it.

This summer it will be 20 years since my mom and brother's passing as well as 6 years since I've survived cancer. Even though I can never forget these and other tragic times in my life, they were so long ago.

I'll forever and always love and protect that girl who survived as the woman I've become.

While I'm still proud of and consider myself a survivor, that's not what I want to reflect as anymore.

I am someone who is not letting my past determine me. I am someone who chooses to live life to the fullest because I know what it's like at the lowest. I am someone who accepts my past because it's made me who I am today.

I am moving forward to be someone who can make a bigger difference in this world.

Over the summer, along with many other changes, I'm going to create my own website. In this website there will be many features such as my new personal blog and a list of every article I've ever wrote. I also plan to— for the life of me—get back to writing my autobiography while I have time. Aaaaaannd officially set up a LinkedIn because the lists of jobs I've had keeps getting longer and longer.

Once my website is ready this summer, I will add the link to my last blog and share it on all of my social media accounts. Speaking of, my next blog is my last blog for SBCC. Don't even get me started on how crazy that sounds! 

Monday, May 1, 2017


My first time ever making honor roll!
I'm graduating next week?


I'm moving in one month?


If you couldn't tell, I haven't exactly wrapped my mind around the fact that I will be moving from the place I've called home for three years. Moving to Isla Vista was the the first move of my choice. Now Northridge is about to be my next, and I can't help but think about how time flies by. 

Growing up, time seemed to go by so slow. I was always dreaming of the future possibilities of my life as an adult until I graduated high school. Once I graduated, it's like the door of possibilities unlocked itself. It was up to me to take the courage to open the door and leave the room I had never left. 

Over these past three years at SBCC, I've accomplished a lot— not only in my education, but in myself. 

Sometimes I think that I could've been more of a college student— that I could've enjoyed myself more living in such a beautiful place like Santa Barbara. But then I think— I did the best I could.

I've had a lot to heal within myself after the many unfortunate parts of my childhood. I'll be outright honest and admit I've been seeing the same counselor at SBCC ever since my first year here. 

As time went on, the more I healed. Seeing the beach didn't hurt, but the most influential part was being on my own. I had to learn to make myself a priority. I learned what I wanted in life, as well as what I didn't. I've opened up and embraced the person that I've always been inside, but was too scared to let shine. 

Here I am today and I don't know what the heck I'm going to talk about at my last counseling appointment next week. I went from running out of time to talk about everything I needed to during my first year to all of a sudden running out of things to say.

It's a bittersweet feeling because I've grown to be so close with my counselor. She's almost like a mother figure to me. She listened to me like nobody has ever listened. She also told me like it is and pushed me to make the right decisions—even if it was tough. But just as it's time to leave SBCC, it's also time for me to move on.

Today I watch the pages in my name on google load up with my news stories and blogs, alongside the news stories of my mom and brother's passing and my cancer journey. The feeling that gives me is indescribable.

I have nothing but positive things to say about the direction my life is going. I've dwelled enough in my past. I've made a healthy effort in transitioning into this chapter in my life that I've always looked forward to, it just was never a reality. 

The reality is that I didn't let the negative parts of my life determine my future. Because when you want something bad enough, you'll work harder than ever to get it.

I'm about to graduate with an associate degree in journalism and transfer to the best college for me with an extensive journalism program where I'll get my bachelor's. I not only declared my major, but I've made it my b*tch. 

I finished my internship at TVSB. I also finished my last story as a reporter for The Channels. This week I'll finish my duties as an editor. And next week I'll finish my three-year blogging streak at SBCC.

I'd say I'm on some kind of roll. I hope it's as good as Texas Roadhouse rolls... those are the best kind of rolls. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm sorry)

In all seriousness, be stubborn in whatever it is you want and deserve in life and go get it! College is the best time to discover yourself and be determined in turning your dreams into reality.

Catch up on my latest and last stories with The Channels!
SBCC students should take advantage of outdoor PE classes