I am blogging to you on the bus! Yes, I am going to a journalism convention during my spring break because I'm a "news nerd." I blogged about the SoCal regional conference last semester, but this one is even more important. I am on my way to the state Journalism Association of Community Colleges convention in Sacremento with some of City College's news crew. Also....big news....I GOT ACCEPTED INTO CSUN!!!! Many blogs to come, but for now— I wrote, filmed, edited, and anchored my first broadcast!
I am extremely honored to have done my first broadcast bringing awareness to a topic near and dear to my heart. I reached out to the Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation to report an FYI on one of its upcoming events that brings awareness to childhood cancer. I reached out to the foundation once before in hopes of volunteering, but to no surprise— I've been so caught up in school. Thankfully I could multitask by interning with TVSB and helping the foundation at the same time. I love the new feeling of realizing that I can do good things through my work! It assures me I'm on the right path.
How I filmed my first broadcast:
—Interviewed the Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation
—Wrote the script
—Set up the camera on the tripod, along with the mic and lights
—Recorded myself for 30 minutes straight, repeating each line a few times
—Uploaded the footage to Final Cut Pro
—Spent hours editing, simultaneously learning new techniques
—Submitted my final media to TVSB and uploaded it to YouTube
Have I mentioned I'm extremely facially expressive? Well now you know—hope you enjoy these bloopers!!! You'd think I'd be embarrassed, but I kind of expected this to happen because I'm still learning. I have done a voice over before, but this was the very first time I've filmed myself. If I continue down the broadcasting path, expect many more bloopers to come! At least I can get some practice in before going live!
If you're local to Santa Barbara, you can tune into channel 17 or 71 to watch my broadcast as a TV commercial between April 1-20!!! I wish I had cable so I could see it, but maybe I'll catch it during my interning hours at TVSB.
With only a month left at my internship, I still remain indecisive as to whether I want to major in general journalism (writing) or journalism with an emphasis in broadcast. I've always had a talent for writing and it's something I'm comfortable with. With broadcasting I have to push myself, but it's fun! Either way— in today's social media world full of different types of media— it's best to be knowledgeable in all aspects of the field. I plan to speak to a counselor or better yet— a journalism professor at CSUN to figure out the best path for me!