Monday, March 21, 2016

The Book of Adventure Awaits!

"The best stories are found
between the pages of a
It is here! I received my passport easily and earlier than planned, so I really am not sure why everyone else I talked to said it was difficult. All I know is, it is here which means I have the ability to travel the world. That is an exciting feeling! Tomorrow I will be meeting for coffee with one of the staff members of Hillel and filling in the last of the secondary application (the passport part). I can't wait for our meeting next month where we will be meeting everyone who will be traveling on our trip! Soon we will also be going over everything we will be doing, on top of going over what things we will need to pack.

Besides visiting California in the summers when I was growing up, I have never looked forward to visiting a place more! When I think Summer 2016, I think Israel. When I think Israel, I think of where my ancestors came from.  I am blessed to be given the opportunity to travel halfway across the world. Saying that I am looking forward to it doesn't come close to how I feel. I try to imagine what it will be like there, but if I'm honest with myself...I won't know until I'm there. During those 14 hours on the direct flight I will be verrrrryyyy anxious. Flying that far for the first time leaving the country is crazy! But hey, that's life ain't it? Mine at least!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Keeping Up

Seven Falls Hiking Trail
I've never been really been an energetic person, but I wish I was. Even when it comes to daily activities and routines I can't seem to keep up. A lot of times I'll feel like taking a nap, but I won't be able to because my mind is racing with thoughts. It is not easy keeping up with an "adult" life, especially after all my body has been through medically and psychologically.

In the psychological aspect, I've realized being outside (and obviously writi
ng) helps gather my thoughts in a calm manner. Writing helps me evaluate and recognize what is worth stressing over. Being outside kind of gives me a bigger perspective and helps me relax.
Gorgeous view of Santa Barbara and the Pacific

Lately we've been dealing with the well-known El Nino weather, which has made it easy to stay cooped up inside. However I am positive the weather is going to pick back up to it's normal Santa Barbara ways. How great is it that the clocks changed?! I'm so happy it doesn't get dark at 5pm and the sun isn't blinding my bedroom at 6 in the morning. This will definitely help make it feel like there are more hours in the do homework and sometimes enjoy ourselves. Have no fear, Spring Break is almost here!

Medically there is not much I can do besides try and eat healthy and make sure to get my vitamins in on top of going to the gym. Every day I take a Women's Multivitamin. Today I bought vitamins that are specifically for supporting energy metabolism, hydration, and antioxidant health. So I will let you know if it helps! Coffee kind of upsets my stomach and obviously has a lot of calories in it from all the cream and sugar I have to put it. I only like to have it once in awhile because the caffeine can be addictive.

Fun Fact: I'm 1/4 Irish
and my pug's name is Guinness
...if you didn't already know 
I guarantee you, if I put together a survey asking a bunch of college students whether they felt they had enough energy...a lot would say they are exhausted. Going to work, school, and being on your own can be a lot to handle! I will never understand the students who are able to party every other day. Frankly, I still wouldn't if I had the energy because responsibilities. Just know we only have one more week before Spring Break. Push through, soon we can relax! I know I'm planning on laying out on the beach just about everyday :)

PS: Yesterday I spent 6.5 hours writing an essay from 3 in the afternoon till 9:30 at night. I'M SO HAPPY IT'S THE WEEKEND! Happy St. Patty's Day!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Getting Interviewed

Today I finally got a haircut. I really should start getting them more often now that my hair is longer. It was the longest it has ever been and 3 inches off later, it still is! This might not mean much to those who don't know. Ever since college I have stopped telling people my little secret unless I become close to them. I struggled through high school with my remission and growing my hair out from the scalp, so people were bound to find out then.

Last week I experienced one of those positive things that come from being a cancer survivor. It was one of those moments that I took in and thought to fight was worth it.

In my journalism class, our teacher partnered us up to practice interviewing for our upcoming article. Hayden and I were interviewing each other. He started out asking me questions, which I honestly became nervous about. I didn't want him to feel any differently when it was time for me to interview him incase the subject came up. (Later I found out he was a twin which was pretty cool). First, he started asking me about my major. Then asked why I chose writing. I told him I love and care for people in general. Spreading awareness by writing in order to care for those around me is my thing. Writing things down lets out my creativity and thoughts. He then proceeded to ask what I like to spread awareness about. Also asking, what in my life happened to make me want to spread cancer awareness. WHOOP THERE IT IS. It was one of those moments I couldn't help but smirk knowing there was no way around this without saying it. So...I told him.
The whip's newest accessory
And he told the entire class. Yep, I was not expecting that. Usually people are just like "Oohh...I'm sorry" and then it's freakin awkward. The teacher called on him first, asking how the interview process went. Hayden said, "You learn things about someone that you never would've known about them before." The teacher then asked, "What did you learn about Angela?". Hayden sat in silence for a few seconds, looked back at me for 1/4 of a second (not enough time for me to shake my head in approval or disapproval), and said, "Angela is a cancer survivor."

The entire class started clapping, yelling, "Whooo!!" as I sat there smiling wide and watery eyed. I was then asked by the teacher how old I was. Fifteen.  "DAMN" a classmate of mine said in shock. You could feel everyone's hearts drop in the room. I left class as a guy held the door open for me saying "YOU GO, YOU GO GIRL. I've never heard of a class applauding someone. Seriously! YOU GO!"  I stepped out that classroom knowing my classmates may not look at me the same again next class. I will never forget that moment. Sometimes I forget how strong I am and this...this was an awesome reminder.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

When It's Okay to Skip

I am one of those people who rarely misses class. The other day my teacher pointed me out to a student who was always absent saying "Angela never misses class right?". He wasn't wrong. However, it was clear I was trying to keep my eyes open while the other student was wide awake. Yesterday it was also pouring rain and he called my classmates and I the strong survivors. have no idea!

There are two reasons why I will choose to miss or "skip" class. One of those days was last week. Monday night I had a concert to go to for Music. Then I had to write a paper for that the following Tuesday  morning. Wednesday I was to attend a speech at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History for my Journalism class. This report was due within 24 hours.

Well shoot...I had a paper due in class the next morning for Argumentation and Debate as well . But wait...I had music before Argumentation....that leaves me with only one choice.

Aha, these are the moments where one must weigh their pros and their cons. I could've gone to Music and simply get points for being there and taking notes. Or I could've got those notes later and finish my paper for Argumentation and Debate (where my grade is solely based on my papers and tests). I think you know which decision I decided to make.

So simply weigh your pros and cons. Whatever you can do to keep your grades up (or in cases of emergency your health up) is what you should follow through with.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Going to a Bar for Class

1 year too young
Hold up! Don't freak out or anything. No, my teacher did not send me to a bar as an underage student to go get wasted. He actually sent us there for an assignment!

My classmate and new friend of mine Louisa decided to go together, and I'm glad we did. We drove down to downtown Santa Barbara around 7:30 on a Monday night on State Street.

I've always thought jazz was pleasing to the ear. I love hearing the saxophone play. My favorite part of the night is when they played Sway. That's a popular jazz piece everyone should be able to recognize. You hear it in a bunch of movies! I'm glad I chose this concert to attend. In my music appreciation class we have to pick three or four concerts to go to from a list and write essays about them. They all are live performances with people playing instruments that have been around for centuries.

The only thing I would complain about was when the conductor was announcing the name of the piece and stuff about it, I could barely hear him all the way from the back. And we were probably one of the youngest people there! Haha, but that's okay. It was educational all for education. Someday (when I retire) I'll get to go enjoy my Monday nights out at my favorite music club. But for now, I guess I gotta study. That makes me wonder...are these really supposed to be the best years of your life? Just a thought. I can't answer that quite yet, but I can tell ya....being out in college all on your own is pretty darn eye-opening!