Blogging to you live after the most stressful Final Exam day I have.... ever.... endured.
I hope you all did well on your exams and that you're not freaking out like me!!! Like I said before, this semester I took the hardest level and last English, Math, and Science Lab classes I will ever need to take (hopefully). English I'm not worried about because of all those on point papers I wrote *hair flip*, but Math and Science on the other hand....yeaaaaaahhh. Let's just say I've been living in the library this week and sleep walking at work. THE BEST HOLIDAY GIFT I COULD POSSIBLY RECEIVE RIGHT NOW IS TO KNOW I PASSED THOSE CLASSES. Actually...maybe a pug would be better (fyi I already got a pug gift from one of my roommates).
Goodbye Statistics |
Goodbye stress eating, Hello Gym |
Goodbye pointless Gen Ed Notes |
Goodbye Physical Universe |
See ya later SBCC |
Hello extra shifts at work |

During winter break for a week and a half time span I will be visiting all the places I've ever lived before besides California (Illinois, Iowa, and Virginia). I will tell you all about it when I start my blogs again for Spring Semester! The plan this time around for Winter Break is to take advantage of time off school to improve my life. I will try to move up in position at work, start writing in my autobiography again, make a couple doctor appointments and go to the gym to keep up my health, and much much more. Becoming an adult I've realized I gotta put a lot of work into the things I want. Things don't just magically happen. I want to be healthy, I want to be successful, I want to inspire others, and most of all I want to find happiness in each day that I live because I deserve it. Well, now I'll have the time to focus on other things besides school for over a month and put my energy into more exciting, personal things. I encourage you to take advantage of your break too, it'll fly by fast! Happy Holidays and happy happy happy happy did I mention, HAPPY BREAK FROM SCHOOL!!!! WOOOO!!!